Searching for an alternative to a restless, individualistic world? Benedictine communal life might offer an answer. We live in intentional communities, sharing a common vision of Christian discipleship. Our Rule of St. Benedict guides our path, with its emphasis on listening, obedience, humility, service, prayer, work, and stewardship. This ancient yet ever-relevant Rule shapes the balanced rhythm of our daily lives.
One truly distinctive aspect of Benedictine communal living is our emphasis on stability. Choosing this path means a lifetime commitment to one monastery, freed from the constant search for something "better". This stability allows us to find God in everyday life, form enduring bonds with our fellow monks, and resolve differences peacefully. Over time, it fosters both a profound sense of belonging and a desire to be responsible stewards of what is entrusted to us.
In a world obsessed with change and novelty, stability stands as a counter-cultural witness.
In a world obsessed with change and novelty, stability stands as a counter-cultural witness. This path leads to blessings that come with fidelity, perseverance, and rootedness in a specific place and community.

Another cornerstone of Benedictine life is sharing everything in common. Inspired by the early Christian community in Acts, where believers "had everything in common", we embrace this simple way of life. It expresses genuine care for one another and frees us from attachment to worldly possessions. Sharing reminds us that all good things are gifts from God and cultivates a spirit of grateful stewardship.
In striving for harmony within our communities, Benedictines show that overcoming divisions IS possible. Through imitating the simplicity and generosity of Jesus, we resist the lure of consumerism, materialism, and elitism sadly dominant in our culture.
A Glimpse into Benedictine Community Life: Sister Rihanna's Story
Ever wondered what a day in the life of a Benedictine Sister looks like?
This video offers a glimpse into the daily routine of Sister Rihanna at Saint Emma Monastery.
Join her as she walks us through a day filled with prayer, work, and community.
You'll also see how the sisters find time for relaxation and discover what drew Sister Rihanna to monastic life. Whether you're discerning a vocation or simply curious about Benedictine spirituality, this video is a beautiful invitation to explore a life of prayer, service, and community.
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